- Pain duration of at least four (4) weeks.
- Radicular pain that is severe enough to cause a significant degree of functional disability or vocational disability
If this policy is adopted, patients being referred for pain management before these tasks are completed will experience either a delay in the scheduling process or ultimately be unable to receive treatment at the time of their appointment. As Physicians, we have an obligation to relieve pain to the fullest extent of our abilities. With policies like this that handicap the choices we have to offer for patients, we are continually faced to provide high quality pain care with one hand tied behind our back.
It is not too late to let your voice be heard. We need your help today by sending your letter to the Members of Congress, asking them to intercede by contacting proper CMS and CMD’s. The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians have simplified the process of submitting a letter to the Members of Congress. Simply follow the Voter Voice link below and follow the instructions to submit your information. https://www.votervoice.net/ASIPP/campaigns/87950/respond