The Pain Cycle
Probably the best way to readily understand what a pain cycle is, is to think of “cause and effect” relationships. Cause and effect is a type of relationship between events whereby a cause creates an effect. For example: If your coffee is too hot it can burn your tongue. The cause is the heat. The effect is the burn. A string of cause and effect produces a chain reaction, such as a car hitting the car in front of it causing multiple cars behind it to do the same. Regarding the Pain Cycle, an injury (the cause) can affect other parts of your body in how you cope with that injury which can result in pain elsewhere (the effect).

How Do Pain Cycles Begin?

Chronic pain can be caused from an injury that makes it hard for your body to move naturally. The unbalanced motions that lead to poor posture are the main results of the pain cycle. By looking at this cycle, we can see how your body deals with pain caused from an injury and how it can create a loop of dangerous events with long-lasting effects.

Lasting Effects

The recovery time from an injury can be long or short depending on how severe the injury was. During the recovery period certain muscles, ligaments, or nerves could have grown accustomed to moving in a distorted way. These motions are still used even after the injury is completely healed. The new movements can create chronic pain. The body created these motions to avoid pain but now the pain is being caused because of these motions.

How Can You Stop this Painful Cycle?

Restoring motion to correct posture is one natural way to stop the pain cycle. Yet, it isn’t always easy. Reinforcing your natural motions while your body continues to promote unnatural ones can be overwhelming. Michigan Pain Consultants recommends seeing one of our chronic pain experts before trying any methods that could do more harm than good. The right pain treatment plan can help ensure that your body continues to promote balance. And that’s a good cause and effect.

Contact Michigan Pain Consultants Today

Talk with the professionals at Michigan Pain Consultants today about breaking the Pain Cycle. We can help you with various treatment options, exercise, dietary, and other wellness programs that fit your lifestyle.

Make an appointment for a new patient consultation with one of our board certified pain physicians. All of Michigan Pain Consultant’s physicians are Board Certified in Anesthesiology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and have advanced training and experience in Pain Medicine. You can begin first by visiting online at,, or by calling them at (800)281-3237.

With six locations throughout West Michigan, Michigan Pain Consultants comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to pain care offers patients and providers renewed hope for relief from chronic pain. Chronic pain should be treated like other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, or congestive heart failure. Chronic pain requires chronic treatment. The goal of the treatment is to optimize the management of the pain, as opposed to curing the pain.